Tuesday, June 22

:: gmail is making my nuts blue

I've been eating up the hype about gmail (the new Google Mail) and I'm dying for an account. If you haven't heard, Google is working on providing free email. 1000 mb's of space.. To give you an idea just how much space that is, Hotmail offers a measly 2 mbs to store your mail. I've heard that Yahoo has increased their mailbox size to 100 mb's.. I suppose it's in the hopes of not being completely blown out of the water when Google comes to town.. when Google comes to town.. when Google comes to town hey!hey! when Google comes to town.

Each person that receives an account has the option to invite (I think 3) others to get an account. Because of this there are a lot of accounts floating around and the amount is growing exponentially. Sounds like the odds are in your favor right? Yes and no. You could go to eBay and buy one within seconds if you wanted to. Thing is, buying something that's free just doesn't fit into the ..er fun.

I began a search for the prized pre-release gmail account.. Maybe even get a name that I like rather than theNameThatILike000003! I did some searching and discovered that the elusive gmail can be likened to a digital yeti, following my movements from the treeline, ever-present but impossible to entice.

Nonetheless, people are having a blast giving these things away! I've seen sites such as gmail swap where you can go trade your stuff or skills or wit or nothing for an account. Here's a link to my potential trade. Then I found Got Gmail? where you simply sign up and your added to a list of people wanting an account. Eventually you will get an invite (assumedly) then you would give your invites to someone else in the list. I even found a forum where they have a password-protected zip file with an account link inside. You just have to crack the zip file and it's yours! You can check out another site i submitted to here.

My interest in the gmail hilarity (<-new word) stems in the social moreso than the desire to get an account. Sites offering gmail invitations are being swamped with visitors, sometimes beyond their means. It's wierd. Google could release the public sign-up any day and yet people are willing to design websites for an account NOW! How many people actually need that much space to store email? LOL

- now stare into the light, listen to the ambient waves and send me a gmail invitation.

ryan at evolvedesigns dot com

Ryan Thomson
8:09 p.m.

Sorry for the bad news, but I (mikecpeck.com) don't have any more invites either. Google has not sent new invites to me in over 2 weeks and I was getting several every other day. Perhaps they are running into more trouble than they anticipated giving away 1gb of space.

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